Saturday, October 17, 2009

Great Tweaks for Vista

1. Disable TMM

This tweak is responsible for about a 3-5 second delay and blank screen flash when you start Vista. It searches for external monitors but is unnecessary.

If you are not using an external monitor, or don't switch back and forth always then turn TMM off. This is responsible for a 3-5 second pause and blank flash you get when turning your computer on.

Here's how to fix that annoying black flicker on boot:

  1. Go start/control panel/administrative options/task scheduler.
    1. On the left-hand side, click "Task Scheduler Local" (you should already be there, but just in case).
    2. Expand "Task Scheduler Library," then "Microsoft," then "Windows," then click "MobilePC."
    3. Up top, you'll see a task called "TMM." Click it, and on the right-hand side, click "Disable."
    4. You're done!

Start time reduced and blank flash gone!!!!

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